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The Lead Prevention Program encourages screening of children for elevated lead levels as well as the removal of lead hazards in accordance with the Connecticut State Statutes, Federal Regulations, and Local ordinances. We work to reduce incidents of elevated blood lead levels by encouraging timely testing as well as educating property owners, parents and families, and the general public about the dangers of lead exposure through educational sessions in a variety of public venues.


What is Lead Poisoning?

Lead is a naturally occurring metal that has been shown to cause negative health effects when individuals are exposed to it. Exposure usually happens by eating lead chips (such as from lead paint), ingesting contaminated food or water, or by breathing in lead dust. Due to their developing nervous system, children are at higher risk of developing severe complications from lead exposure. No safe Blood Lead Level (BLL) in children has been identified.

The Dangers of Lead Poisoning

In children, lead poisoning can cause problems with learning and behavior. It can also lead to lower IQ, attention and behavioral problems, and developmental delays. Even low levels of lead exposure can cause damage to a child's brain that can affect them for the rest of their life.

In adults, lead poisoning can cause headaches, stomachaches, high blood pressure, and fertility problems. It can also lead to memory loss, depression, and nerve damage.

Pregnant people are especially at risk because lead can pass from the mother to the baby and harm the baby's developing brain and nervous system. This can lead to premature birth, low birth weight, and developmental delays.

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