Board of Assessment Appeals
The Board of Assessment Appeals does not meet monthly - only in March for real estate taxes and September for motor vehicle taxes.
Board Members
Boka Benson - Chairman
285 Laurel Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Term expiration: 12/31/2020
Ann Binkley - Secretary
2625 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Term expiration: 12/31/2020
Troy Robert Denunzio (D)
46 Nash Lane
Bridgeport, CT 06605
Term expiration: 12/31/2026
Jacqueline Martoral - Member
1540 Iranistan Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Term expiration: 12/31/2023
About the Board of Assessment Appeals
The Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA) holds meetings each March after the Grand List is certified to hear property appeals pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §12-110.
The BAA appeal application is available in late January. To file an appeal, the application must be submitted to the Assessor's office, with all required materials, between February 1st - February 20th.
2024 Grand List Board of Assessment Appeal Application
BAA appeal hearings are held during the month of March. Hearings are in person or remote at the discretion of the BAA, as needed.
Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute §12-111, the Board may elect not to conduct an appeal hearing for any commercial, industrial, utility or apartment property with an assessed value greater than one million dollars.
The City Council may appoint up to twelve (12) additional members to the Board of Assessment Appeals for a total of fifteen (15) members for any assessment year in which a revaluation becomes effective, and for the assessment year following such year of revaluation.
- Need City Council approval
- Terms are three years
- Not a permanent board; meet during the month of March for real estate & personal property appeals; meet during the month of September for motor vehicle appeals
- Members serve until a successor is appointed and has qualified
If you have any questions please contact:
Ann Binkley, Secretary to the Board