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Office of Policy & Management

The Office of Policy and Management (OPM), prepares and reviews the city budget; guides and monitors performance of departments; oversees the implementation of Management Improvements; Prepares the three-year financial plan and monthly financial reports and reviews and works to improve department systems and operations for maximum efficiency.

Finance Director Kenneth Flatto Photo
Kenneth Flatto
Finance Director/ CFO

The Office of Policy and Management (OPM), prepares and reviews the city budget; guides and monitors performance of departments; oversees the implementation of Management Improvements; Prepares the three-year financial plan and monthly financial reports and reviews and works to improve department systems and operations for maximum efficiency. OPM is the focus for management, policy and program analysis for the city.

Review the Adopted Budget for 2024-2025

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Adopted Budget for 2024-2025

Office of Policy & Management

Mailing Address

999 Broad Street, 2nd Floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604