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Daycares need to be licensed by the health department to ensure that they meet certain standards for health, safety, and quality of care for children. By licensing daycares, the health department can ensure that children are receiving adequate care in a safe and healthy environment. It also allows for regular inspections and monitoring to ensure that these standards are being maintained. Licensed daycares are held to a higher standard of accountability and are subject to penalties if they fail to meet these standards.

Licensing by the health department is an important way to help ensure the safety and well-being of children in daycare, as well as provide parents with peace of mind knowing that their children are being cared for in a regulated and responsible environment.

Close up of jar of crayons and a child's hand coloring an abstract design


Please refer to the CT Office of Early Childhood for information on the state licensing requirements.

Licensing Information and Resources

  1. Zoning Compliance Application letter from the Zoning Department
  2. Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department for any exterior or interior renovations
  3. Written approval from the Fire Marshal's Office for: floor plan review, new or existing equipment, and compliance with prior fire violations
  4. Trade Name Certificate from the Town Clerk's Office
  5. Tax Inquiry Form from the Tax Collector's Office
  6. Copy of Lease or Bill of Sale
  7. Daycare Floor Plan
  8. Lead Water Test Results
  9. Lead Paint Inspection with Results

Certificate of Inspection Form

Please see the Fee and Licensing Schedule for information on inspection fees.

A printable list of the required documents is available: