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Snow Alert for January 11, 2025

Please be advised, Bridgeport is expecting inclement weather on January 11, 2025. We ask residents to report issues with paving and/or salting of streets to 211. We encourage everyone to stay safe and limit traveling during today's inclement weather.

What is this Program?

The City of Bridgeport Homeowner Rehabilitation Program provides no-interest forgivable loans to Bridgeport homeowners who have emergency needs, housing/health code violation issues, and/or other replacement needs to make their home safe and energy efficient, as outlined in the current Consolidated Plan.

Program Priorities

All eligible property owners are encouraged to apply for the Program, however, those applications which meet one or more of the following program priorities will be funded first. These priorities are further outlined in the current Consolidated Plan.

  • Priority target populations: Seniors/Elderly and Persons with Disabilities.
  • Priority target neighborhoods: Hollow, East Side, East End, West Side,  Reservoir, Mill Hill and South End.
  • Current regulatory violations: Properties with housing and/or health code violations where the applicant meets all other program criteria.
  • Emergency Repairs: Properties with repairs that are deemed to be an emergency if the applicant meets all other program criteria. These types of repairs include, but are not limited to:
    • Roof repair/replacement
    • Window repair/replacement
    • Furnace repair/replacement
    • Lead abatement
    • Sewer emergencies
    • Plumbing
    • Handicap Accessibility


Program Eligibility

To be eligible for the City of Bridgeport Homeowner Rehabilitation Program, you must meet the following qualifications. Additional information, including current income guidelines, is contained in the Handbook and Program Guide.

  • Occupancy: The applicant's (homeowner) principal residence must be in the property being considered for the rehabilitation program.
  • Income: The applicant's household must meet HUD income guidelines.
  • Insurance: The proper must be insured throughout the period covered by the Homeowner Rehabilitation Program loan.
  • Taxes & WPCA Obligations: All City of Bridgeport property taxes and Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) assessments must be current.

Homeowner Rehabilitation Handbook and Program Guide



Funding Cycle


Applications are accepted year-round. Funding of eligible applications is dependent upon available program funds, which are generally renewed each year in late summer. 

Homeowner Rehabilitation Application

If you would like to apply for this program or have any questions please contact:

Anjerice Miller, Senior HCD Manager