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The Patrol division is the largest division in the Police Department and is committed to protecting the citizens of the City of Bridgeport. The Patrol Division's responsibilities include responding to calls for service, emergency calls, pro-active patrol, quality of life issues and motor vehicle enforcement. 

The Patrol Division is divided into three command areas to cover the city, West CommandCentral Command and East Command. Coverage of those command areas is further divided amongst two patrol commanders, with Main Street being the dividing line between the east and west sides of the city. Each side is led by a captain who is focused on reducing and preventing crime for their respective areas.

If you have a concern in your neighborhood and would like to contact one of our Patrol Captains, you can email them at 

Bridgeport police department Patrol Picture

The Patrol Captains are:

Captain Paul Grech 

Morning Day Captain

Captain TBD

Early Evenings Captain

Captain John Cummings

Overnight/ Midnight Captain