Mooring Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations are established by the Harbormaster of the City of Bridgeport, Connecticut, pursuant to Bridgeport's Code of Ordinances Section 31-27(f).
No mooring in the waters of the City of Bridgeport is permitted without first paying the required fee and obtaining a valid permit issued by the City's Harbormaster.
Applications for mooring permits in a form approved by the Harbor Commission of the City of Bridgeport (including applications for renewal or relocation) will be received by the Harbormaster annually commencing February 1 for the following permit year.
Any person, association, corporation, or other group may apply for one (1) mooring permit by completing in full the application provided for that purpose and submitting the completed application to the Harbormaster. In the case of a corporation, association, or other group however organized, disclosure of the principals of the corporation, and evidence of corporate organization must be submitted by producing current articles of incorporation or a similar instrument registered with, approved and issued by the State of Connecticut.
Commencing on or about March 1 of each permit year the Harbormaster will issue mooring permits for the successor permit year first to renewal applicants (including those relocating to different moorings) and then in the order of the Harbormaster's receipt of the permit applications.
Mooring permits are valid from March first to December first unless renewed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Permits issued during a permit year for the same permit year will be issued for the remainder of the permit year, without reduction of the annual permit fee.
A permit holder shall have an opportunity to renew the same mooring, if the Harbormaster has received the renewal application on or before the last day of February of the then current permit year.
A permit holder shall have an opportunity to relocate to a different mooring in a successor permit year so long as the mooring sought is or will become vacant for the renewal year and so long as the Harbormaster has received an appropriate relocation request on or before the last day of February of the then current year.
Mooring will be issued in the order of the Harbormaster's receipt of permit applications, subject to the renewal (including those relocating to different moorings) rights set forth herein, upon payment of fees established by the Harbor Commission.
A valid mooring permit issued to a person who dies during the permit year may be retained by the spouse, parent or child (at least eighteen 18 years of age) of the permit holder, together with renewal and relocation rights set forth herein.
Mooring permits are issued to a permit holder for a single vessel only (to which the applicant holds the title or has an interest in), or a replacement vessel approved by the Harbormaster. The mooring permit may not be loaned, leased, sold or otherwise transferred.
Mooring permits are subject to immediate forfeiture by the Harbormaster upon his determination of a violation of Connecticut General Statutes or City laws relating to moorings or state or City mooring rules or regulations.
Permit holders who do not utilize their mooring on or before July 10 in a permit year shall be notified by the Harbormaster that the permit is in jeopardy. owners must respond within ten 10 days of the notification or forfeit the mooring.
All moorings are to be located according to assignment by the Harbormaster.
The Harbormaster shall issue annually a valid identification sticker for each mooring permit, such sticker to be placed on the upper right side of the transom.
No vessel moored in Bridgeport waters will be so moored as to extend beyond the mooring area into any designated navigable area within the waters of the City of Bridgeport, subject to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes, Section 15-8 "Power to station vessels. Penalty for resisting" (copy attached) and as amended from time to time.
No person shall moor any vessel in the waters of the City of Bridgeport at a mooring assigned to any other person.
No person shall make fast or secure any vessel, except a tender or dinghy used to transport crew or cargo to or from shore, to any mooring already occupied by another vessel or to a vessel already moored.
The Harbormaster and/or police shall remove or cause to be removed and stored at the expense of the permit holder or owner any vessel moored in violation of these rules and regulations.
The Harbormaster shall keep a detailed list of each mooring, its location and the owner's name home and business address, telephone number, date of receipt of application, date mooring was set, and name, length, draft, registration number or documentation number, and type of vessel to be attached thereto. The list shall be available for public inspection.
The Harbormaster will maintain a waiting list from which he may assign moorings which become available during the permit year or in a successor year. The list shall be available for public inspection.
Available moorings shall be offered to the senior applicant on the mooring waiting list, subject to the constraints contained in these rules and regulations. If the available mooring is not suitable to accommodate the senior applicant's vessel or specific needs, it shall be offered to the next senior qualified applicant. The senior applicant shall retain his place on the waiting list in this case. The Harbormaster shall continue efforts to provide a suitable mooring for the senior applicant. If the senior applicant refuses a mooring which is suitable for his or her vessel in the opinion of the Harbormaster, that person shall be removed from the waiting list.
Whenever the holder of a mooring permit transfers the title or interest in or otherwise parts with possession of the vessel identified in the mooring permit to another person by any arrangement whatsoever, the mooring permit shall be forfeited except as otherwise provided herein. The new possessor, transferee or owner shall have no right to use the mooring space covered by the mooring permit. The original holder of the mooring permit may, upon written application to and approval by the Harbormaster, retain the mooring permit provided that another vessel owned by the permit holder is moved onto the mooring within thirty (30) days and provided that the vessel is the proper size for the mooring space covered by the mooring space (unless the period is extended by the Harbormaster because of special circumstances). If the replacement vessel is significantly smaller, larger or of different draft or type, the Harbormaster shall have the right to relocate the vessel to another, more suitable mooring if available.
Vessels may be moored in the waters of the City of Bridgeport with a grid system or otherwise as established by the Harbor Commission. Moorings shall be assigned to an applicant by the Harbormaster with due consideration of vessel size, draft, navigation safety, on-land access requirements and other relevant factors. The Harbormaster shall determine the necessity of bow and stern vessel moorings.
The Harbormaster shall provide as he deems appropriate and necessary moorings, as directed by the Harbor Commission, for transient vessels upon payment of fees established by City.
No mooring tackle shall be placed in the waters of the City of Bridgeport without inspection and approval by the Harbormaster. The Harbormaster must direct placement of all moorings. Each mooring tackle shall be raised or removed for periodic inspection by the Harbormaster as he deems necessary. Further, each permit holder shall once every two (2) years make arrangements for the inspection of mooring tackle by the Harbormaster. All inspections shall be at the sole expense of the permit holder.
The Harbormaster will maintain a record of the inspection and his report for a period of four 4 years or as required by law. If, as the result of such inspection it shall be determined that any chain, shackle, swivel or other piece of mooring tackle has become unsafe or otherwise inadequate, all such chain, shackle, swivel or other piece of mooring tackle shall be replaced accordingly at the sole expense of the owner. Failure to make such replacement shall result in a forfeiture of the mooring permit.
The owner of any vessel moored within the waters of the City of Bridgeport shall be responsible for causing such vessel to be moored in accordance with the directive of the Harbormaster and with proper care and equipment and in such manner as may be required to prevent breakaway and resulting damage. Utilization of proper mooring tackle is necessary to secure vessels adequately at their moorings. Storms, wind, waves, tides, currents and wash must be considered when selecting appropriate hardware. Each person mooring a vessel is responsible for any damage to that vessel or to any other vessel or any other property caused by that vessel. The City of Bridgeport assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage which may result from the utilization of unsafe or otherwise inadequate mooring tackle.
The Harbormaster shall approve all applications for moorings from holdings thereof for more than one (1) year preceding the adoption of these rules and regulations upon the payment of appropriate fees.
No appeals will be heard on the decision of the Harbormaster of the forfeiture of a permit.
The term Harbormaster as used herein shall include the Harbormaster, Deputy Harbormaster and any lawful designee.
No vessel shall be moored in the waters of the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut on or after December 1 of the current permit year nor shall any vessel be moored before March 15 of the following year.
Proof of liability insurance of no less than $300,000.00 of coverage will be required and submitted along with every mooring renewal and new application. Each policy will list the Bridgeport Harbor Management Commission as a certificate holder therefore ensuring the city of a lapsed policy. Coverage which expires after March 15th, or before December 1, will be renewed along with proof of renewed coverage submitted to the Harbormaster’s Office.
The use of nylon, 3 strand twisted line is an acceptable alternative for upper line tackle providing that it’s strength ratings meet or exceed the requirements for G30 grade steel chain tackle based upon mooring anchor needs.
The use of Helix moorings is permitted in Bridgeport waters but mooring and tackle inspection must be performed and certified by a qualified, knowledgeable diver if mooring anchor is not removed for inspection by the Harbormaster. Such diver shall prepare a written certification for presentation to the Harbormaster.
Removal of the mooring from the water for inspection by the Harbormaster shall occur at an interval of every two (2) years.